Monday, July 24, 2017

How Other Couples Deal With Sex Addiction?

· I really don't see the way our relationship can endure the emotional pain and chaos of his trauma therapists NYC addiction. Have other couples had been able to work through these difficulties? How have they done?

When at least one member of a couple is trauma therapy NYC, restoring trust and building familiarity can be very difficult. These couples must work as hard on their recovery jointly as a couple since they do on their individual recoveries.
trauma therapists nyc

One of the huge challenges to recovery from trauma psychologist is building or restoring an intimate relationship with a committed partner. Many existing relationships are seriously impaired and often don't survive due to trauma therapy. The spouse of the trauma therapist NYC capacity to trust is obviously damaged. The psychodynamic and behavioral problems underlying sex addiction treatment NY contribute to obstacles to beating and developing intimate and committed relationships.

The fantastic thing is that we've seen from our experience which not only is it feasible to repair, reconstruct, or newly construct a committed relationship, but the level of psychological and physical intimacy that comes from working on these issues collectively is sustaining, gratifying and growth-producing for each member of the bunch.

· How can couples counseling help us?

Most couples that come for couples sex addiction therapy after discovery is at a high state of reactivity, with communication being restricted to blame/defense. There is a high degree of projection (seeing the things you like least about yourself in your partner) and a small level of self-focus. The trend is to react emotionally and immediately, with no time provided for reflective thinking. One task of the therapist is to create a secure, non-volatile space by gently guiding each person to commit to self-focus which reduces defense and disposal.